6 Options
To fulfill your ideas about the ideal bed and in terms of functionality, we allow you to add any type of headboard from the FERRETI collection to one of the sleeping systems listed below.
Boxspring 22/32
Stable, airy, flexible and the only point-adaptable mattress base, improving its copyability and adaptability. The solid construction of solid wood guarantees a long life of the entire continental bed. Boxspring is a point-adjustable base for the mattress. It is stable, airy and with its flexibility helps to absorb critical pressures, thus extending the life of mattresses and toppers. At the same time, it additionally modifies the copying of the shape of the human body. They are available in heights of 22 and 32 cm. -
Design bed
The storage compartments have racks with folding legs (NV) or side (BV). The choice of the type of grate for the tilts should take into account the space options after fitting the bed in the bedroom - from which side access to the UP will be more comfortable. In the version without UP, it is possible to use, in addition to all common gratings from the offer, also special electrically adjustable gratings for absolute comfort during sleep, but also for moments of active rest, e.g. while reading. -
Boxspring Mobil
You will find in it all the advantages of a classic boxspring, supplemented by the possibility of full-fledged positioning using electric motors built into the construction of the boxspring. The core formed by the bag spring provides comfort with other constructions difficult to achieve. With a suitable mattress and electric positioning, you get a bed with absolute comfort. -
UP Maxi Elektro Lift
Boxspring with electrically operated storage space. This type of sleeping system provides several benefits. It is more advantageous with space, because the area of the bed occupies the same area in the interiors as the sleeping area. At the same time, there is a large storage space in the bed without further divisions. The biggest benefit is the incorporated ELEKTRO LIFT system (opening the UP using a controller and an electric motor), enabling easy opening of the UP even when using quality mattresses with high heights and weights. -
Design Metal Lift UP
Design bed with the best accessible storage space over the entire area. In addition, the storage space is supplemented by a fold-out position for easy change of bed linen or mattress cover after washing, resp. for ventilation of storage space. In this version of the fold-out, it is possible to use one large mattress for the whole bed without restricting access to storage space. Even when tilted to a position for changing bed linen or mattress cover after washing, the part of the storage space directly accessible at the forehead is very easily accessible, which is completely inaccessible with similar tilting from the feet. Another advantage is the possibility of ventilating the underside of the mattress during the day after tilting the slat to a horizontal position. This way, the mattress does not suffer from insufficient ventilation when used on a bed with storage space. -
Design Metal Lift UP 2
Design bed with the best accessible storage space over the entire area. In addition, the storage space is supplemented by a fold-out position for easy change of bed linen or mattress cover after washing, resp. for ventilation of storage space. In this version of the fold-out, it is possible to use one large mattress for the whole bed without restricting access to storage space. Even when tilted to a position for changing bed linen or mattress cover after washing, the part of the storage space directly accessible at the forehead is very easily accessible, which is completely inaccessible with similar tilting from the feet. Another advantage is the possibility of ventilating the underside of the mattress during the day after tilting the slat to a horizontal position. This way, the mattress does not suffer from insufficient ventilation when used on a bed with storage space.